Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 2- August 27, 2013

so i am excited to tell you that i am finnaly writing you from England! I got here this past wednesday and cant tell you how incredible the work is. i would be lying if i said it was easy though. So we got to London for a quick training before getting our companions and areas. I grew to love all the people in the mtc so it was difficult to say goodbye but worth it. Part of our training was street contacting on the main streets of london and my goodness it was amazing. i talked to this family about the gospel and gave them a book of mormon and they said they would call the number inside. so cool fact the chapel/mission headquarters in london is on one of the most popular streets in london so everyone knows of it. it is the most expensive property the church owns and is well known in the area. so my first area is in an area called Goleston. its in the north right on the coast. its pretty insane the culture is so much different but i like it. the town is quite different but the work moves forward. my companion is elder adams and he has only been out for 4 and a half months. he is from south africa but he is white. way cool guy. he is also our district leader. we get along really well and he is a great trainer. we live in a place called koolunga house. it was built in the 1860s and is the deffinition of hood rich. we have mold all over the ceilings so it makes things interesting. way funny stories and its only been a week. our oven glass shattered when we tried to cook dinner once and my comp about peed his pants. i told him that it was probably just someone commiting a hate crime on our crib. haha he just laughs at our american lingo. well i have to go but i will write you a longer letter next week! my p day is monday so be expecting a letter then. just a thought i will leave you with that we learned at zone conference today. We can watch a tree all day and wont see a change. but we still know that its growing. when we come back in a month or so we notice that it has grown bigger. same with our faith. be paitent with ourselves for perfection comes not in this life but the next. all my love and prayers!
Elder Evans

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