Tuesday, January 7, 2014

October 1, 2013

hello family

so transfers have passed and i received news that i will be staying in Gorleston for another transfer with Elder Adams! I was way excited to hear this.
So we went to London Yesterday for a meeting and that's why i wasn't able to write you guys. sorry about that. So usually after 3 weeks in the field they have they new missionaries come down and talk with president with any issues that they may be having but since we had a baptism on that day i had to go at a later time. I was with all the kids learning to speak english so the lessons and training were centered around learning the language. there were some funny things said though so i enjoyed the experience. after the meeting we had some time to kill because our train didn't depart back to our area until 5 so we went around to see some sites close by. we walked through Westminster chapel which was pretty wild. I had pictures but forget my camera back at the flat unfortunately. So the chapel that the church has in London is right in the center of all the tourism so they get a lot of exposure. There use to be a house there but it was bombed by hitler and the church bought the land shortly after. There are still chunks taken out of surrounding buildings from the debris hitting the building. pretty cool to see. Directly accross the street from the chapel is the natural history museum so it really gets a ton of exposure. On the way back our train broke down about 30 minutes outside of London with a 2 hour journey ahead of us. Luckily another train was coming so everyone from our train got on another packed train. we were standing for the majority of the time but managed to have some good conversations with those around us. There was a man on the train from the states who we managed to converse with for quite awhile. He was trying to twist church doctrine to work against the things we were saying but after awhile he realized that we would talk with him but we wouldn't debate. One of my favorite things to do is testify to people that attempt to bash on our religion. The whole attitude and demeanor of the person changes before your eyes because of a few simple statements. President taught us that when conversing with someone and we dont know what to say just say what you know. i was able to bear testimony to him that i knew that joseph smith saw what he said he saw. That the Gospel of Jesus Christ is on the Earth today and as missionaries we simply invite people to taste of its glad message. We do not force anything upon anyone but rather help them to feel of the spirit. We help them recieve a personal witness for themselves and then let them decide what they wish to do with what they have recieved. As i spoke i know the spirit was working within him. He felt the passion in the words i spoke and his entire attitude changed. Without the spirit, we can do nothing. But as we recognize that we allow ourselves to become a vessel for him to work within. I opened my mouth not knowing what to say but the spirit provided the things that were perfect for him at that time. No we did not get an appointment out of him. No we did not leave him with a book of mormon. No we didnt even leave him with a card. But we planted that seed within him. He could not deny that i knew the things that I knew for he felt the spirit as we testified to him. One day his heart will be softened. He will put his pride aside and recognize that this is the true church. When we follow the promptings of the spirit as we testify to people something we say will resonate within them long after you depart. 
i realize that i kind of went on a rant there but it really was a great experience. The work here in gorleston continues to move forward. This transfer we want to focus a lot on reactivation because it is a huge part of the ward mission plan. President Hinkley said it best regarding reactivation when he said missionary work is absolutely pointless if we do not retain the fruits of our labors. If people joined the church initially for the right reasons they can be reminded of the feelings they felt at baptism. they can be reminded of the reason they joined the church initially and it will be a spiritual experience for them. 
I am so happy that you are all doing so well. I love the pictures of the tin foil on your heads. Its true. you can never be too careful. We have to block those frequencies. I pray for all of you and your well being and thank you for the prayers that are said in my behalf. I know prayers are answered and miracles are brought to pass through them. Do all you can to do something good for those around you. service is great missionary work! Love you all!

Please send more family pictures via e mail!

Elder Evans

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