Tuesday, January 7, 2014

November 25, 2013

indian parallel parking

Ovi showing off his sports day medals

Christopher...Sorry its foggy but you get the idea...awesome man!

How are you all doing!? Wonderful to hear from you all. I am doing good here in Wembley. So for those of you who are wondering, Wembley is not central London but rather a suburb. so its just west of the big city. it takes me about 15 minutes by tube to get there. I love the area. The members are so wonderful. Most of them are not english but rather african, indian, etc. So fun. Such strong testimonies.
So regarding christmas...Yes i will be able to skype! im excited to speak with you all! A recent convert told us we are welcome to use her home so we will be there all day spending the holiday with them. They are so great. Golden family. Upon hearing about Joseph Smiths vision they said Oh my! So what do i have to become a member!? hahaha golden! So we will skype from there home. we also to get to watch disney movies which will be good i suppose. My companion is more excited than i am. haha Details regarding scheduling will be in the future.
So i am now in the ward choir. haha dont know how i got roped into that one but i did. I guess i took the singing course for a reason. Blessing the people of england with my motab like voice...or something. Also i think im going to be in the mission choir as well. haha so president randomly takes missionaries in the streets and tells them to sing and thats how he conducts auditions. Its kind of like a calling...you can say no but you shouldnt. so Elder Jamieson who is in my district told him that i have a singing voice for some reason and this week is interviews sooooo we will see what happens!? hopefully he forgets.
I have been sick for the past week or so. It has been hard to get up and work with a cold but i continue on! I think my companion uses it as an excuse more than me telling me how i need to just rest and sleep it off. He just wants to sleep as well and be lazy. I dont let him though. Luckily i think its going away finnaly!
Listen to the song attached below. Sister Preya showed it to me. She is seriously the most amazing lady. She is going through a difficult time right now but continues to put her trust in the savior. Such a tender song.
So while on a workover with an elder from the same group as me we had such a good time. It was so cool to see how he has grown and developed spiritually! We had so many miracles that day and want to share just a few with you. First of all we had 7 step in lessons which is way good for this area. One was with a Jehovas witness who was doing her ministry and another with a devout atheist. So so great. But the greatest one was with a man named christopher. Christopher is a 90 year old man who was walking at 8:00 at night. He was looking for his house and was not even in the general area. He was walking the opposite direction in fact. He walked slower than anyone i have ever met. Literally 6 inches at a time. We walked christopher home. I held his arm the whole way to keep him from falling. What seemed like a waste of time lead to great things. As we approaches his home after 1 hour and 20 minutes, this man yelled out the window at us saying "Elders!" We looked and saw this man waving us over. As we spoke with him he told us that about 4 months ago he was in contact with a former missionary in the area. They exchanged contact details but the missionaires never got in contact with him. He was GENUINELY interested! As i was laying in bed that night i was thinking about the experience. I realized a few things.
1. The lord works in mysterious ways: The longest walk of my life with a man that i couldnt understand lead me to someone who was prepared to hear the gospel. someone with a strong desire to learn more.
2. As we follow spiritual promptings, we will be in the right place at the right time. I remember approaching christopher and recieving the prompting to talk to him. As i did, i could hardly understand him. We found out where he needed to go and agreed to walk him there. I remember thinking "Man he is really going slow. I wonder if he would be offended if i offered to carry him home?" Thankfully i didnt. Had we made it and quicker, we may not have met the man seeking truth.
3. The Gospel of Jesus Christ allows us to come home. Just as chistopher had a difficult time finding home, we all have diffuculties that seemingly will keep us from returning home with our heavenly father. The Lord provides ways for us to return home. He gave us families, scriptures, friends, and more! He gave us a savior. Christ lived a perfect life and gave it on our behalf. As we struggle, people will be placed in our paths to hold us by the arm and say this is the way. The lord sends help in all aspects of life. He loves us more than we can comprehend.
Family thank you so much for all the support. I have grown so so much thus far on my mission. I am focusing on becoming more submissive. Putting my will totally in line with the Lords will. As i try to do my best, blessings come. The lord doesnt require perfection thankfully, he just requires our best. The atonement will make up the rest. Enjoy your thanksgiving! I love you all so so much. A month from today and we will be skyping! Exciting stuff!
All of my love,
Elder Evans

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