Tuesday, January 7, 2014

September 23, 2013

hello family

so this past week Maria got baptized! It was really great. she was baptized by our ward mission leader named brother Clulow and confirmed by Brother Gibson. Brother Gibson is a member who comes teaching with us often. He is an older man who is really funny without knowing it. so during her confirmation we were all gathered in the circle and brother Gibson got the wording mixed up and had to say the prayer over again. brother clulow tried to help him out by whispering in his ear the correct way to say it. Brother Gibson stopped in the middle of his word and into the mic exclaimed to brother clulow "don't confuse me!" haha it was really funny and the entire circle of men was shaking trying to  hold in the laughter. 
We met this guy in our ward who use to fight for England apparently. He is a way cool guy and his training gym is just down the street from our flat. He told us that the missionaries use to come train there multiple times a week and everyone loved having them. Lately people have been asking "where are the missionaries?" So we approved it with our president and he said that we could go train in his gym a few evenings a week as long as we talked about the gospel with people and set appointments. So we are way excited for it. Obviously its no contact but will still be a good time. The ward member told me that i have to have a push up competition with him so it will be pretty awkward but funny.
So there are sisters serving in the same area as us and yesterday we had lunch over at the Bishops together. Both sisters are from Brazil and love singing hymns. Without any notice they informed us that part of their lesson was to sing and we were to join with them. It was a song that neither of us had heard and it was extra awkward. The whole time I was having flash backs of my singing class in Idaho. Elder Adams and I were crying laughing. Sister Neves exclaimed after the song in her broken English "you sing no beautiful." haha
so Transfers are in a week now. I cant believe that its already that time. I have no idea where the time went and really don't want to leave the area or my companion. We get along so well feel as though we are finally settling into the area. We are making connections with the members and they are giving us people to teach. The chances that I stay here are slim and even less likely are the chances that I stay here with elder Adams. There will be another 32 missionaries coming in this next transfer putting the total number of missionaries in the London England mission at 234. When President and Sister Jordan got here 14 months ago there was 112. As of last week there was 76,500 missionaries currently in the field and serving and that number continues to increase. The work of the lord continues to move forward. 
I love you all and continue to pray for you. I hope you are all doing great! continue to go forward in faith.

Elder Evans 

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